North Downs Way: Cuxton to Detling

The Walk: Starting from where the previous section ended at Cuxton, this section of the NDW crosses the Medway on the impressive M2 viaduct, then climbs out of the Medway Valley culminating in the excellent viewpoint at Bluebell Hill. The route then descends, passing the remarkable Kit's Coty House neolithic dolmen, before rising steeply again (including The White Horse Stone, another neolithic monument) and following the plateau atop Boxley Downs. The walk ends at the village of Detling.

Kit's Coty House


NB The map shows my route, with various diversions and excursions which you may not wish to follow precisely.

Why do it: The walk starts by crossing the River Medway on the impressive M2 viaduct, giving views down the river to Rochester Castle and Cathedral.

M2 Viaduct

The next section of the walk climbs alongside the Nashenden Down Nature Reserve through surroundings unusual for the NDW, namely open countryside with impressive views ie across the Medway Valley to Holly Hill where we walked on the previous section.

Path around Nashenden Down

After a rather dull track enclosed by trees, we arrive at Bluebell Hill, a fine viewpoint over the Weald, and back West along the downs scarp to Surrey on a clear day.

Bluebell Hill

We then descend, shielded from, but close to, the busy A229. Just off the path, an opening gives access to Kit's Coty House, a most unexpected surprise in the form of a 'dolmen': a large flat capstone supported by uprights. It is believed to have been part of a burial chamber, and to date from the early Neolithic, some 6000 years ago. You expect such things in Wiltshire or West Wales, but not Kent.

Kit's Coty House

As shown on the information board, there are several such monuments in the area. Unfortunately, nearby Little Kit's Coty House can only be reached by walking beside a very busy main road, so I did not call there.[For a safe(r) diversion to view Little Kit's Coty House and the nearby Coffin Stone, see this blog.]

Kit's Coty House info board

Some way further on, on the climb up Boxley Down, is the solitary White Horse Stone.

White Horse Stone

The walk though the woods on top of Boxley Down is unremarkable except for a - presumably unofficial - shrine to the environmentalist E F Schumacher, erected by his daughter.

E F Schumacher shrine

There is a shrine or monument of a different and sadder kind at Detling. The NDW enters the village by crossing a footbridge over the A249, which was erected only after a campaign by local residents following the deaths of four pedestrians trying to cross the busy road. It is dedicated to their memory, especially 8-year old Jade Hobbs: may she Rest in Peace. NDW walkers should give thanks they have this bridge.

In memoriam

The HS1 railway line (Channel Tunnel Rail Line) is crossed several times (M2 viaduct, Nashenden Lane, and just after the subway under the A229). Apparently we could build a high speed railway in the noughties, but not now.

HS1, Nashenden

There should be plenty of wild flowers in spring and summer.

Wild flowers

Logistics: By train, start at Cuxton Station. From the finish at Detling, it is a 2 mile walk to the station at Bearsted. You can return to Cuxton by changing trains and stations at Maidstone.

You can park in Cuxton where the previous walk ended in the car park for Ranscombe Farm Nature Reserve.

Distance: 1 mile from Cuxton station to join the NDW at the car park for Ranscombe Farm Nature Reserve, 12 miles along the NDW to Detling, then 2 miles to Bearsted station , making 15 miles in all. (NB If taking the train from Bearsted back to Cuxton via Maidstone, you have to walk around half a mile between  Maidstone East and Maidstone Barracks stations.)


Expect mud after rain. 

Mud after July rains

The ascent of Boxley Downs is very steep, and would be slippery when wet.

Steep steps on Boxley Down

Connoisseurs of road noise will savour the din crossing the M2 viaduct, and the noise from the A229 descending from Bluebell Hill.

Path beside M2

There are extensive periods walking through woods: shady on a hot day, though lacking in views and rather tedious if trees are not your thing.

Tree tunnel

Sadly, fly tipping is evidently a problem in places.

Fly tipping

Refreshments: White Hart pub near Cuxton station

Robin Hood pub near Bluebell Hill. Also, Nutkins Tea Room at Squirrel's Riding Stables.

Robin Hood pub

The Cock Horse Inn in Detling.

Nearby Walks

For an overview map of all my walks along the North Downs Way see this page.

Previous section: Wrotham to Cuxton

Next section: TBD

More Photos 

Sunny day in early July

The M2 viaduct

Eurostar train

Looking down the Medway to Rochester Caste and Cathedral


Under M2 to reach.....

.......Nashenden Lane

Bridge over the railway at Nashenden

Looking back to M2 viaduct

Looking across Medway to Cuxton

Towards Holly Hill (some poppies still around)

M2 viaduct

More poppies

Yellow flowers

Medway Meander from viewpoint over Wouldham

Puddle after rain

Bluebell Hill looking West 

Bluebell Hill looking South

Bluebell Hill info board

Bluebell Hill memorial (air ambulance crash)

Path descending from Bluebell hill beside the A229

Beside A229

Steps descending to Kit's Coty House

Kit's Coty House

Modern cathedral: subway under the A229

HS1 again

White Horse Stone info board

White Horse Stone

NDW milestone

Boxley Downs


Woodland path, Boxley Downs

E F Schumacher shrine

Farmland on the 'Boxley plateau'

Descending to Detling

You have been warned

Jade's Bridge, Detling

A249, busy road connecting M2 and M20

Detling village hall
