North Downs Way: Mole Gap to Betchworth Station

The Walk: This section of the NDW climbs steeply from the Stepping Stones over the River Mole to the famous viewpoint of Box Hill then follows the Trail to the station at Betchworth. You can either return by train, or walk back along the Pilgrims Way.

The Stepping Stones


NB The map shows my route, with various diversions and excursions which you may not wish to follow precisely. Outward route along NDW in Red, return route in Blue.

Why do it: This section of the NDW starts at the Stepping Stones over the River Mole, more or less opposite where the previous section ends on the other side of the A24. The Stepping Stones are a popular local attraction. If you don't feel sufficiently sure footed, there is a footbridge a few metres downstream. Having crossed the river, the NDW ascends steeply to the Viewpoint at Box Hill (NT).

Steep climb up to Box Hill

There is a large car park and cafe at this popular 'beauty spot', which is well managed by the National Trust. A stone built observation platform looks out over Dorking and the Surrey Hills. 

Box Hill View Point

From here, the NDW is well signed through woods, emerging occasionally to reveal the view. (In truth, I found the woods hereabouts a bit gloomy, maybe because it was a rather cloudy early spring day.)

An open stretch of the NDW

At the old Betchworth Quarry and Limeworks, an impressive kiln chimney remains.

Lime kiln chimney

As this section is rather short (only 4 miles), I show an alternative return walk making a figure of eight, passing high up above the Quarry, then descending to join the Pilgrims Way footpath back to the Box Hill Viewpoint.

Pilgrims Way return path

From here you can walk down the back slope of Box Hill, passing the old Box Hill Fort, and descending the 'Burford Spur' of Box Hill with impressive views over the Mole Valley to the car park at Burford Bridge, where there is a cafe ('Rykes') popular with motorcyclists. 

Burford Spur views over Mole Valley

From here, the banks of the River Mole can be followed back to the Stepping Stones, passing beneath the steep, almost cliff-like slopes cut through the Downs by the river.

'Cliffs' beside River Mole

Distance: 4 miles along the NDW to Betchworth station. The return walk, should you take it, is about 5 miles, making 9 miles in all.

Logistics: The walk starts from the Stepping Stones car park (free to NT members). Obviously, the circular walk option brings you back to here.

Stepping Stones car park

You could also park in the large car park at Box Hill (free to NT members) and do the circular walk from there.

Box Hill car park (NT)

You could also park at Denbies Vineyard or at the Burford Bridge car park (check closure times).

Alternatively, you could finish at Betchworth station, from which you can get  a train back to Dorking Deepdene, and walk the mile back to the start beside the A24. (NB Betchworth station is some way from the village of Betchworth.)

Betchworth station

You could combine this walk with the next section to Merstham (see Betchworth Station to Merstham description) a further 8 miles, although the return by train from Merstham station would require a change at Redhill.


Expect mud after rain. Some of the slopes on this section are very steep, and will be slippery. The paths around the old quarry on the return walk are extremely steep.

Steep paths (especially on the return route)

The Stepping Stones are quite far apart which some might find unnerving: use the footbridge a few metres downstream if you are unsure.

Footbridge alt to Stepping Stones

If you are joining the walk at the Stepping Stones from the West side of the A24, then the official NDW route goes  north some way to Burford Bridge and uses a subway to reach the other side. If you choose to cross the dual carriageway directly take great care, it is very fast and busy.

Refreshments: Options include the NT cafe at Box Hill, the Rykes motorcyclists cafe at Burford Bridge and also the cafe in the Visitor Centre at Denbies Vineyard.

Box Hill cafe (NT)

Nearby Walks

For an overview map of all my walks along the North Downs Way see this page.

Previous section: Guildford to Dorking

Next section: Betchworth Station to Merstham

More Photos 

Gloomy day in Spring

Outward along NDW

Approaching Box Hill Viewpoint

Observation platform


Typical woodland

Several steep steps


NDW at the end of the walk follows unmade road 

Return by Pilgrims Way and Burford Spur

Water tower

Secluded viewpoint

Betchworth quarry from below

Climb back up to Box Hill

Old Box Hill Fort

Burford meadow

View over Denbies Vineyard

Burford Bridge Rykes cafe
